Birmingham, England's second city, has all the necessary trimmings for lots of sport. Three major football teams, rugby, basketball, athletics to name but a few big sports with great clubs and the NEC for the obligatory major sports exhibitions and shows. Needless to say it has lots of related professions such as physiotherapy which help to keep people fit and able to play/do sport.
Treatments include sports massage, soft tissue therapy, gait analysis, injury diagnosis and more. Sports Injury Fix provides information on all of this and the providers whether it's a specialist sports injury clinic comprising a multi functional team with people such as chiropractors and sports therapists working together through to individual specialists. However you've injured yourself whether it was out running aggravating Achilles tendonitis, in the gym hurting your shoulder or overdoing the training then all injuries can catered for using Sports Injury Fix. Search in the Birmingham area to find the tailored treatment that's right for you.